Sunday, October 26, 2014

Oh yeah, I'm pregnant

I guess it's true how they say your first baby and the rest are different from each other. I've already seen this with this pregnancy, obviously. I documented so much when I was pregnant with Jude and I haven't even done a single post on my blog about this pregnancy. Since I'm due in less than 3 weeks! I thought I'd better document this pregnancy.
We found out we were pregnant around David's birthday but it wasn't really a surprise. We were trying! And it didn't take long. We found out around 14 weeks that we were having a girl! We are so excited, but I know we'd be excited either way. Ultrasounds have confirmed "girl" 4 times so we feel pretty confident about the amount of girl clothes we have accumulated :)
At the beginning of my pregnancy I felt fine, and then after about 10ish weeks I was just TIRED. I would have sudden sick moments where I just felt like I had the flu. It would last an hour or two and then I'd be mostly ok again. I feel lucky that I don't get crazy sick.
Second trimester was the best, just like last time. You start to look pregnant, you feel better and you are still capable of moving freely. I kept eating pretty well (I was on a healthy kick before I got pregnant and that's how I got down to my pre-pregnancy weight) and still walked or did yoga a lot.
Third trimester hit and that's when things got crazy. Just like last time, I have insane acid reflux. I've been taking Zantac this time around and it helped a lot until about 3-4 weeks ago. Now pretty much no matter what I eat it comes back up in bubbles in my throat.
I would say that my two pregnancies have been extremely similar. I feel like I've felt the same for the most part with both. I think I've felt better this time around because I've gained less weight from being more active and I've eaten a lot better this time around. But I'm carrying just as high belly-wise this time. I am less swollen this time but I blame that on having central air this time around. And again, taking better care of myself.
We talk to Jude about the baby all the time to try to prepare him. He knows where the baby is, that she's a girl and that he's going to be a big brother. We have two names we are considering and we always ask him which one is the baby's name and he ALWAYS says the same one. I think that's going to sway David toward it :)
I think this time around I am even more excited because I know what to expect, whereas with Jude I didn't or couldn't understand the emotions that were involved with bringing a life into the world. We keep remembering things about last time and it makes us excited all over again.
Here's all of the photos of me pregnant this time around!

20 weeks
25 Weeks

33 weeks

34 week ultrasound of her face
36 weeks

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